Friday, June 28, 2013

The Fun of Preperation

Working on terrain projects involves all sorts of "layers" of work.  Some of it is much more fun then others. Some of it is fairly tedious, but must be done.   Currently as I prepare myself to make all sorts of different terrain pieces I have to work on some of the basic "intial" layers.

For example I am going to be making some more forests, ruins, small ponds/water pieces.   I've discussed how to make many of these pieces in the past, but I have run very low on the material I use to base all these pieces.

I went to Home Depot and picked up two 2ft by 4ft 1/8 inch think Hardboard.  I then had the help of a friend "Ben Cone", (who is part of WiscoDice Podcast) and his table saw, jigsaw and sander.

Creating "bases"

 Step 1.)   I grab a magic marker and just start laying out some designs I want to cut.

Step 2.)  I have 2 sheets to fill out, so I just create all sorts of shapes I feel I can do something with later.

Step 3.)   Now the fun begins.  Ben gets out the Jigsaw and helps cut out some big chunks

Step 4.) The Table saw helps get some finer details cut. Sadly it didnt work all night, so we ended up using the jigsaw for a lot of this

Step 5.)   I then get to work sanding all the edges on the pieces.

Step 6.) Final results.. 50+ pieces all ready to go. This will keep me busy for the rest of the year at least.

Making "blocks"

There are other aspects of preparation as well.  I use a variety of Hirst arts  molds, and I am really low on my fieldstone pieces, as I used them recently for my last batch of ruins pieces and some leftovers when I made my ruined city board.

I will spend  2 weeks casting these sames molds 2 to 3 times most days until  I have replenished my supply.

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